The main purpose of this three-year project, started in October 2006, is to adapt, develop, test, implement and disseminate training modules, teaching methodologies and pedagogical strategies based on the use of Virtual Instrumentation and to promote the cooperation between different European teaching and educational institutions to produce and disseminate training materials that will assure the technical and pedagogical elements with the view of implementing in the classroom of the virtual applications through Information and Communication Technology tools.

This work is funded by the European Commission, Education and Training, School Education: Socrates: Comenius, through
Project 128989-CP-1-2006-1-RO-COMENIUS-C21


As Virtual Instrumentation represents a real revolution in the field of instrumentation and its power in creating simulation-based learning environments is well-known, this project is addressed - on the one hand - to in-service teachers training on using virtual instruments in the teaching process of different science areas (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology) and - on the other hand - to the pupils - as end-users - who will benefit by the implementation of the Virtual Instruments in the classrooms. The project is aimed to adapt, develop, test, implement and disseminate training modules, teaching methodologies and pedagogical strategies based on the use of Virtual Instruments, with the view to their implementation in the classroom, through Information and Communication Technology tools. In this sense, the partnership assumes to build various pedagogical approaches in a virtual space able to offer efficient ways of using specific tools for logical understanding of the fundamental concepts in sciences.

    The overall aim of the project has the following specific objectives:
  1. Offering the in-service teachers a particular technology (based on Virtual Instruments) that will enhance learning in specific laboratories;
  2. Applying the developed teaching methodologies and pedagogical strategies to the teaching process and share them in an easy-accessed learning environment (the Virtual Cooperative Space);
  3. Improving the research base of knowledge and the implementation to other training areas;
  4. Developing European cooperation and awareness;
  5. Disseminating all the results at the local, national and European level.

The initial target groups are formed by approximately 180 in-service teachers from primary and secondary schools involved in Sciences teaching areas in the partner countries. The teachers will collaborate in order to make curricular and pedagogical adaptation of the teaching models, virtual tools and on-line resources, to support collaborative and experimental learning in Science Education. The other target groups consist of: 9 local co-ordinators (as tutors also), 9 tutors, 9 researchers, 18 local educational authorities and over 3500 pupils. In addition, teachers / professors / trainers from Europe will benefit from the project outputs in the frame of the on-line simulating laboratories (in the Evaluation and Dissemination Stage of the Project).

    The most important activities to be undertaken are:

    A) First year:
  • Making comparative studies on existing virtual instrumentation environments;
  • Analyzing and Selecting the virtual instrumentation environment with the view to assure the necessary pedagogical tools;
  • Identifying, selecting and creating the suitable virtual instruments used in training of the Science disciplines;
  • Setting-up the Virtual Instrumentation e-Space;
  • Starting the Project's web-page edition;
  • Creating the Training Modules;
  • Creating the Materials for Training;
  • Designing the assessment tools in order to evaluate the quality of the in-service teacher training process;
  • Organising the training modules for in-service teacher training in the partner institutions;
  • Creating the Virtual Instrumentation Applications (Virtual Experiments) by the trained in-service teachers;

  • B) Second year:
  • Designing the assessment tools in order to evaluate the impact of the implementation in the classroom of Virtual Instrumentation;
  • Polishing the Virtual Instrumentation Applications (Virtual Experiments) by the trained in-service teachers and adapting the teaching methodologies and pedagogical strategies;
  • Collaborating between tutors and in-service teachers to design new Virtual Instruments (Virtual Experiments) to be used in the classrooms;
  • Testing the Virtual Instrumentation Applications (Virtual Experiments) by the trained in-service teachers at schools in the partner countries;
  • Creating the Database for Virtual Experiments;

  • C) Third year:
  • Designing of the assessment tools in order to evaluate the results of the whole Project;
  • Publishing the Guidelines for good practices - the manual for guiding a class or a group inside the virtual laboratories;
  • Selecting the best Virtual Experiments produced by the in-service teachers and creating the Virtual Instrumentation e-Space Exhibition;
  • Designing the assessment tools in order to evaluate the Meeting with European teachers (involved in teaching Sciences) through the Virtual Space (using sharing and videoconference tools) in the frame of the on-line simulating laboratories;
  • Meeting with European teachers (involved in teaching Sciences) through the Virtual Space (using sharing and videoconference tools) in the frame of the on-line simulating laboratories - Discussion on the Virtual Instrumentation e-Space Exhibition;
  • Producing the CD-ROM edition of the Project;
  • Polishing the Virtual Instrumentation e-Space with a view to be used by every teacher from Europe;
  • Publishing Scientific articles (concerning the results of the project) in international and national journals;
  • Disseminating the Project results at local, national and European level.
    The expected outputs of this project are:
  1. The Virtual Instrumentation e-Space - that contains a web based virtual learning environment with virtual tools and instruments for training in science disciplines (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology);
  2. Modules for training - unrolled on the form of seminars and laboratories;
  3. Materials for training - as on-line materials;
  4. Database for Virtual Experiments;
  5. Assessment tools;
  6. Guidelines for good practices;
  7. Scientific articles;
  8. CD-ROM edition;
  9. Virtual Instrumentation e-Space Exhibition;
  10. The Project web-page.